Brandywine Zoo

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

Brandywine Zoo
Many of our refugee friends long to visit the zoo. I had promised the boys I would take them over the summer, but the pricing at the Philadelphia Zoo is prohibitive, especially since so many people were interested in coming along. Also, there are so many costly extras, you're in the position of spending even more or disappointing the kids. Of course, I'm used to the National Zoo in Washington and the Salisbury Zoo, both of which are free, so I wondered if there might be a thrifty alternative. Sure enough, just a short drive from South Philly is the Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington, Delaware.

The zoo is located in a lovely park setting along the Brandywine River. The compensate for the small size and lack of large exotic animals with personal attention. Volunteers and summer interns set up information stations or strolled with animals the zoo visitors could interact with. The boys especially liked, and were alternately repelled by, the snake. The goat pen was also a big hit.  It was a very good day. Thanks, Brandywine Zoo!

See more photos.